Women's March Monday, January 23, 2017
We officially have a new president and I can’t recall a time when I felt more interested, worried and passionate about politics. It is obvious to me (and hopefully anyone with access to a computer and facts) that Barack Obama was a great president. Some might even argue he was one of the greatest presidents in this country’s history (follow link haters.). During his eight years in office he showed us what leadership, inspiration and compassion looks like. His administration consisted of individuals with no personal agenda, but rather a goal to protect the people of our great country. As an immigrant, a gay man and someone with immense amount of love and respect for women and people of different backgrounds and races, I tend to vote Democrat on most issues and candidates. That being said, as a college educated man I am always open to all arguments and view-points and have at times voted and sided with Republican leaders and ideas. Call me naïve, but I still think that the point of politics and politicians is to help and protect the people in the districts and areas they represent. These politicians were elected to protect people. As civil servants their job is to serve and protect the people in their districts and states. Call me crazy, but shouldn’t we, as people aspire to be better, to protect our children, to protect our planet, to allow ALL individuals to be themselves regardless of sex, sexual orientation, race or background. We should want to be leaders who inspire our youth to ask questions, seek out knowledge through education and promote & celebrate diversity & individuality. We should want to educate our young people that being different is not a bad thing, but rather something that makes our country “great” and more powerful. The more we know about other people, other countries, races, cultures and traditions, the more successful and productive we are as people. All this seems relatively simple to me. The fact that it’s not, is incredibly troubling and worrisome. It has never been more obvious that this country is divided. How can half of Americans have forgotten what this country is all about? What the Statue of Liberty means/represents? That as leaders of the “Free World” we are responsible for teaching and inspiring other countries to be better? Do we no longer want that amazing role and awesome responsibility? Do we no longer want to teach and inspire other nations to do the right thing? Has it really become all about what party you belong to? What happened to right or wrong? How can half of Americans side or identify with a party whose sole purpose is to contradict the other side? This election year has left me with many questions. I truly can not believe that we are this divided as a nation. It truly breaks my heart and if I had the financial means to relocate all of my family and friends to another country I would. I am worried for our future as “alternative facts” are now being told as truths. It is completely insane to think that what is happening in our country today is normal or okay. That we should just sit back and passively watch all of the great work and advances this country has made be wiped out and deleted from our country’s history. I truly am at a loss as it appears we have entered the twilight zone…
On Saturday, January 21st, 2017, exactly one day after Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of our country, over 5 million people worldwide and over 1 million in D.C., came out to march, speak and make their/our voices heard. Such an amazing day filled with great love and respect for all. It started as the Women’s March on Washington, however quickly gained momentum as we couldn’t all get ourselves to D.C. to participate. Soon similar marches were being planned throughout our country and other countries worldwide with the mission and vision "to stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country."
As an American, first and foremost, I felt an obligation to participate as equality for all is a right that should never be compromised. My parents left communist Cuba when I was four years old in order to provide my sister and I a better life in this great country. A country that is full of possibilities and opportunities. A country where freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and the right to peaceably assemble are our rights as Americans. My parents sacrificed a great deal for my sister and I to be raised in this country. I refuse to let their sacrifice and the sacrifice of other immigrants just like them to be in vain. For them, for my sister, for my niece & nephew, for all of the amazing women in my life, for all the immigrants and people of color I know and love, for the LGBTQ community, for Barack, Michelle, Joe, Bernie, Elizabeth, Hillary and all the other great people in our country I walk. Regardless of what is happening in our country, I am and will always be a proud American and for that I walk. I thank Donald Trump for making me an activist. The fight has just begun, but that’s okay. This country was made for and by immigrants. It is time to reclaim our country and to make education the priority. Knowledge is power President Trump. It is time for the people of our country to regain power. Cheers to fab people everywhere!!! I applaud everyone around the country and world who understand the difference between good and evil. It is time to wake up and take back our country. May the force be with us…