Mick Rock + David Bowie @ Taschen Gallery Sunday, September 20, 2015


The Taschen Gallery in West Hollywood on Beverly Boulevard is currently showcasing Mick Rock's photography in the exhibit, Mick Rock: Shooting For Stardust. The Rise of David Bowie & Co.

David Bowie is indisputably one of greatest artists of our time. His personal style and music make him a trailblazer, an icon and hero who has inspired many since he first achieved fame in the late 60's. His style, both musically and in fashion set him a part from all other artists of his time and future eras making him a true powerhouse performer and musician. Mick Rock is a Rock & Roll photographer who traveled with Bowie during the rise of Ziggy Stardust. During that time, Mick Rock took many amazing photographs of Bowie and his images truly capture the magic that is David Bowie.

The Taschen Gallery changes their exhibits every few months and today Rhonda and I decided to check out the Mick Rock/David Bowie exhibit. As someone who loves music, fashion and art this was an awesome exhibit and I was immediately inspired and in awe of the images I was seeing. The photography on display is next level cool and I couldn't wait to get home to listen to Bowie's Greatest Hits. The gallery sells most of the work that is on the display and if I had the means I would have definitely purchased a few of their limited edition signed pieces of art, both for my future home and for the future Fabulous People HQ.  As I walked through the gallery, I imagined what these pieces would look like in my future office and in my future living room.

Bowie was groundbreaking with his androgynous look and a pioneer in defying gender roles and sexuality. It is insane to think that his Ziggy Stardust years took place in the early 70's and I applaud him for having the courage to go against mainstream while remaining focused on the phenomenal music he was putting out. I also applaud Mick Rock for having the foresight to know that Bowie was on his way to becoming one of the greatest artists of all time and for taking the time to travel with him as history was being made. So cool.

Truly inspired today. Awesome day spent surrounded by Music, Fashion and Art. Highly recommend checking out the Taschen Gallery soon before the exhibit ends as this is one that shouldn't be missed.  I wonder what the next exhibit will be...
