Fab Friend Shannon Monday, February 02, 2015

After almost 4 years of working for Madison at Fred Segal I hit a wall. I loved my job, but had realized that there was no potential for long-term growth. The Fred Segal gig had been great. It had gotten me to LA and had helped me make many new friends and connections, however it was time to move on. One of my clients, Sue Otto was the Creative Director for Urban Outfitters. She lived in Philadelphia where Urban HQ is located, but would come to LA often. Fred Segal was her favorite place to shop. Each time I helped her, she would suggest I come work for Urban and I eventually emailed her my resume.
It was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I accepted a position as the Women's Manager for the Urban Outfitters on Melrose location. At the time Melrose was the place to be. The vibe was cool and our product assortment rivaled Fred Segal and American Rag. Soon after I met Shannon Malone (@shannonmalone13).
Shannon was the store's Assistant Store Manager. She was beautiful, dynamic and ran a tight ship. We are both result driven individuals and quickly made a great team. It wasn't long before we were hanging out outside of work. We were in our mid-twenties and both enjoyed cocktails and swanky bars. We each had a large group of friends resulting in us always having something fab to do (#fabliving).  My favorite spot at the time was Falcon on Sunset. On Tuesday nights it was called Beige and was a definite hot spot. Rusty Updegraff and Victor Rodriguez were the promoters of the LA version of the legendary NY Club. My buddy Chad ran the door so we always walked right in. Chad loved that I always brought pretty girls to the club. He really liked Shannon and soon they were dating. It was such a fun time. Shannon was an excellent wing-woman and partner in crime. The following year Shannon and I were each promoted into Store Manager positions. Our new roles and workloads caused us to start missing a few Tuesdays and as with all good things, Beige eventually came to an end.
Shannon and I still very much enjoy a great cocktail and a swanky bar, however lucky for our skin and livers we don't party like that any longer. Today is my dear friend, Shannon's birthday. I love her dearly and wish her nothing but the best today and always. Happy Birthday Malone.
