The Sweetest Thing Friday, March 06, 2015 1 Comment
I didn't know what I was going to write about today and then I started reading February's Real Simple Magazine and today's topic became obvious. In the first few pages the magazine asked it's readers, "What is the sweetest thing that a loved one has ever done for you?". After reading several responses (and getting a little choked up...I know I'm such a sap, haha!) I decided to ask myself the same question... I feel truly blessed in saying that answering this question is not easy as I truly am fortunate to have had so many "sweet" things done for me throughout my Fab life. Life gets busy, but it's important to take time out to reflect and give thanks to the people in our corner who truly empower and inspire us to become better people. Let's try this again...
What is the sweetest thing that a loved one has ever done for you?
The more I think about it, the more I realize how blessed I am to have the parents that I do. My parent's have always supported my sister and I in all of our dreams and goals. They have always been our biggest fans and have taught us that anything is possible.
Let me give you a little background on my upbringing. My parent's fled communist Cuba in 1980 in order to give my sister and I, a better opportunity and life. I had just turned four years old and my sister was two. My dad's entire family had left Cuba in 1959 after Fidel Castro took leadership of the country and made Cuba the first communist country in the Western Hemisphere. My father, however did not leave the country as he did not agree with this new regime and wanted to make a difference. He joined a group who attempted to overthrow this new communist government and get Castro out of power. My father's attempt was unsuccessful and his capture resulted in him being arrested and placed in jail for 15 years as a political prisoner. In 1977, my father was released from prison and when the opportunity presented itself to leave the country in 1980 my parent's took it. Relocating and starting a new life in a foreign country would be difficult, however my parents knew that this would be their chance to give their two small children a better life. I was too young to remember the struggles my parents went through after immediately arriving in the United States. They were now in a new country where they did not speak the language or know the customs. Through hard work and determination they made it work. They purchased a home a few years later, after working several jobs to provide for their family they started their own business and put their children through college. They are an exceptional example of the American dream.
My parents have worked extremely hard and have sacrificed greatly for their family. Because of our young ages my sister and I were quickly acclimated to our new lives and were protected and sheltered to any of the struggles or hurdles my parents surely went through. All I remember and know is that my sister and I have always been supported and encouraged to pursue any/all of our interests and aspirations. I was a soccer player, I played the violin, in the 5th grade I pursued filmmaking and in the 7th grade I was a journalist. My parents funded and supported all of these interests and hobbies. They were the parents that came to every game, every recital, drove my friends and I to "film locations", award shows, TV and radio studios, etc. My sister and I grew up in an artistic environment where all of our interests and activities were praised and encouraged. No dream or goal ever seemed out of reach or impossible. This unconditional love and support has allowed my sister and I to become the people that we are today. I still dream big and my ambitions and passions are still larger than life.
Back in November I was at my parent's house and they asked me about work. My parent's have always complimented my work ethic and passion for the projects I've been involved with. I told them that I was tired of making other people money and was ready to start my own thing. My father didn't skip a beat and immediately told me that my mother and him have worked extremely hard to create a great life for our family. He said he was proud of all that I had accomplished and if I thought I was ready they would support me 100%. Knowing that I had my parent's blessing and support made it a no brainer. I put in my notice that Monday morning and have been working nonstop to make Fabulous People successful ever since. Not many people get the opportunity to truly explore their passion and dream. Knowing that my parent's are willing to support me in all ways until this project takes off is truly the sweetest thing a loved one has done for me.
I could not be more appreciative for their constant love and support, but more than that for the confidence they have instilled in me since I was a child. Starting Fabulous People, LLC has been a scary (and exciting) endeavor, however knowing that I have my family's unconditional love and support keeps me focused and incredibly motivated. Thank you Mom and Dad for always believing in me (especially now).
I challenge you all, my Fab Friends to ask yourselves the same question. Please feel free to share your responses with me. Happy Tuesday.:-)
Hayley Lytle on May 2, 2015 14:07
Aw I loved this post so much!